Parents Battle Of The Bands: Southside 1
Parents Battle Of The Bands: Southside 1

Parents Battle Of The Bands: Southside 1

Prince Bandroom (St Kilda, VIC)
Thursday, 15 May 2025 7:00 pm
61 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists
Charity / Fund Raiser

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St Kilda Park PS - Parental Guidance
{{ requestedInventory['41bb0413-d286-46e8-a16f-9a1ba608ec2d'] }}
Middle Park PS - The Middle Sparks
{{ requestedInventory['ab95970f-8351-4191-8718-594c364720dd'] }}
Galilee Catholic PS - The Late Notes
{{ requestedInventory['f72a2995-fb71-4a63-ab61-a333c26f2ee4'] }}
Port Melbourne PS - The Portals
{{ requestedInventory['570c3f9c-cdfe-4af9-81fa-fb8644f6d586'] }}
Elsternwick PS - Lunchbox 20
{{ requestedInventory['245f26fb-0847-4540-a3f2-67fbb7df8000'] }}
General Admission (No School Affiliation)
{{ requestedInventory['40d7fb82-1008-4d41-9dec-1aee851538b8'] }}
NEW! Your donation is getting a tax-free encore, which means it is now tax-exempt so hold on to your receipt!
Thank you for your support!
$25 Donation
{{ requestedInventory['60350f84-0fd1-4107-9cf6-3c66c3245ac1'] }}
$50 Donation
{{ requestedInventory['bd3652cd-3431-4d24-a978-cc3f073c498e'] }}

PARENTS ROCK : the TWO biggest nights of the year! 

10 Parents Bands from 10 local primary schools, battling it out over TWO nights at the Prince Bandroom. 
All proceeds go to the music programs of participating schools. 
TWO fun nights of great music & entertainment - these parent musicians still know how to rock a room!

Choose the school you wish to support when selecting your ticket: the real winner is the school that brings the biggest crowd and hence raises the most funds! 

Tickets: $32+bf